Male perspective... - Reisverslag uit Utrecht, Nederland van Nienja Brouwer - Male perspective... - Reisverslag uit Utrecht, Nederland van Nienja Brouwer -

Male perspective...

Door: Nienja

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Nienja

30 Mei 2005 | Nederland, Utrecht

Apart from having great times in the Netherlands (see pictures)… I also spent a lot of my time analyzing the results from the 70 interviews with boys and girls in the age of 15-25 years old. I have so far coded 35 interviews with boys in Moshi… Let me share some of the results with you:

· The first time sex:
Hide and seek games and playing to be father and mother are very popular resulting in love making for the first time, as from 6/7 years old! A lot of men say they had sex at a very young age.
· From friend to permanent lover:
If you feel like having a girlfriend, you ask a girl to be your friend. You can invite her for a drink (which he pays for her (always)). When you are VERY serious with a girl and want to get settled, you introduce her to the parents.
Untill that time you are still “a virgin” to your parents when getting married. Parents and children do not talk about their sex. Although (silently) they do know you must have had other relationships.
Men say women love them for money. If you ask their definition of love, they say it means to provide for..or to have sex. Relationships can be viewed as an agreement.
· Where do you arrange to have sex:
Many men say they have sex in guesthouses. They rent a room for a day or afternoon. They meet with the girl for a drink, after which they have sex.
· The responsibility of a woman in prevention is:
To disagree when a male seduces her, to be faithful. There is no mentioning of insisting on the use of condoms by women....
· Sports and prevention:
All men mention they like to do sports and exercises if they feel distracted by the feeling of wanting to have sex.
“If you are unable to resist you should come to the field and watch or play a game!”
· HIV- testing and following behavior:
If we make more people come for testing, this should be combined with an action of changing behavior. Many men explain that people do not want to die alone so you see them deliberately spread HIV to others!!!
One boy answers to the question “When people want to have sex without condom what will you do?”: “In that situation you must think seriously, because someone is asking you to sex without condom in this world, you must be very shocked, if you are understanding you will ask yourself why is she asking me to do without condom, may be she is affected and she wants to affect me too, the best way is to avoid that kind of girls”. Possibility for an intervention?
· Use of medication:
A lot of men say they would not want to use the HIV medication because it will only increase your lifespan, not cure and this means a lot of extra costs for the family!
· Some churches are successful in the cure for HIV/AIDS

I will continue with the female perspective... aiming to describe the socially constructed gender-roles.

Does it also make you think of your own culturally and socially constructed expectations within relations?!

  • 31 Mei 2005 - 08:30

    Sanne (M):

    Ha Nien,
    schrijf je de bevindingen over de meiden ook op? Vind het erg interessant om te lezen!
    Ja ja, merijn had het erover dat jullie aan het werk waren geweest in Zeeland...mooi werk zo liggen op het strand! ;)
    Hier in de bieb nog steeds alles oke, alleen wel wat drukker zo tegen het einde van het studiejaar...
    Succes met de rest van de analyses!
    Dikke kus, Sanne

  • 01 Juni 2005 - 17:05


    It is pretty intresting to read your findings. It will even better to read the girls stories, what they think and how do they react.
    Good job you are doing-hope one day it is gonna have an effect.
    Take care and see u around Utrecht and in Moshi

  • 03 Juni 2005 - 09:01


    Hej Nien,
    leuk om je bevindingen te lezen(we gaan snel weer aan de slag), moet er wel weer even inkomen merk ik. De overgang Moshi-Maastricht is iets groter dan ik verwacht had.

    -Warm water zonder erover na te denken
    -stroom zonder dat je het in de gaten hebt
    -paprikas zo groot als 4 paprikas in Moshi??!!
    -geen stof
    -geen muskieten
    -mensen begrijpen me
    -staren me niet zonder reden aan
    -geen constante confrontatie met armoede
    -juist overal luxe producten en materialisme
    -geen daladala, maar NS
    -internet dat zo snel is dat ik er weer helemaal aan moet wennen
    -verschillende soorten kaas (hmm)
    -geen ge-jambo op straat
    -niet meer gebeept worden
    -afspraken die gewoon door gaan

    Je merkt het al genoeg dingen om weer aan te wennen,maar ook wel wer lekker!!

    LFS, tot snel

  • 05 Juli 2005 - 14:48

    Bernadette Van De Charlottehoeve:

    Leuk Nienja ,deze site.
    Bekijk ook de site van de DWG Soest
    Daar vind je ook info over onze criteria voor de aanvrage van een project.Stuur me je adres dan stuur ik je een aanvraagfolder!
    Groetjes! Bernadette Postma

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Verslag uit: Nederland, Utrecht


Hiv/Aids preventie onderzoek vanuit PRIOR.

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