3-day training for interviewers - Reisverslag uit Moshi, Tanzania van Nienja Brouwer - WaarBenJij.nu 3-day training for interviewers - Reisverslag uit Moshi, Tanzania van Nienja Brouwer - WaarBenJij.nu

3-day training for interviewers

Door: Nienja

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Nienja

08 Februari 2005 | Tanzania, Moshi

I think the best impression I can give you about our 3-day training: “Qualitative Research; Conducting Open interviews on Hiv/Aids”, is to share with you the feedback of the participants:

“We are the PRIOR-TEAM!”
“Thank you so much for this training. I now not only know how to conduct qualitative research using Open Interviews, but I have learned much more which I can apply in my life”.
“Different tricks will help me in various ways in my life. Like being a good listener, use probing to learn more about what a person tries to tell you, and how to be non-judgmental”.
“It is a challenge to talk about sensitive topics in an open en non-judgmental way. And it is fun to share experiences”.
“I know realize people have different opinions and experiences and that is okay and interesting to learn about”.
“This training showed how it is good to give feedback on positive and negative aspects of your own and other peoples performance, we learned so much from each others suggestions”.
“It is good to know and learn about your own and other peoples strength and weaknesses and to help each other to get to know how to learn about them and become stronger”.
“This training has also given us new friendships”.
“We have improved so much! When I listened to the groups in the last exercise I could hear people speak loud and clear on tape, being confident and relaxed”!
“I look forward to do the interviews because it is fun to talk with peers about these topics”!
“I am very sure we are more than willing to give all we have to make this research succeed in all ways”.
“And the food was very nice”.

I am very confident this PRIOR-team is able to do this important part of the research: Collecting information on sexual (risk)behavior of young men and women in the age of 15-25.

To be continued!

  • 09 Februari 2005 - 16:43


    Klinkt als een superleuke training Nien! Inspirerend en ook effectief. Kan je wellicht ook goed gebruiken in die zee van wantrouwen, onverschilligheid en verwarring die je in het onderzoek tegenkomt.

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Verslag uit: Tanzania, Moshi


Hiv/Aids preventie onderzoek vanuit PRIOR.

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Wat leuk dat je mijn reisdagboek leest! Meer over wie ik ben kun je lezen op mijn website: nienjabrouwer.nl Laat je ook een berichtje voor mij achter?

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