Pole Sana - Reisverslag uit Moshi, Tanzania van Nienja Brouwer - WaarBenJij.nu Pole Sana - Reisverslag uit Moshi, Tanzania van Nienja Brouwer - WaarBenJij.nu

Pole Sana

Door: Nienja

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Nienja

16 Februari 2005 | Tanzania, Moshi

“Pole Sana”

Pole Sana (translation in dutch “arme ziel”/ “sorry, jammer”) is a Swahilli phrase most commonly used the last couple of weeks by colleagues, friends and people around to comfort for the fact I (and not only me!) can be very much frustrated by some of the aspects of life and work in Moshi.

Since November, two project computers arrived in Dar Es Salaam harbour. So far it has not been possible to release them and bring them to Moshi because of bureaucratic paperwork, “Pole Sana”. We are now trying to do the work of transcribing and translating 50 interviews on two project computers and using our own lap-tops for others to work on “Pole Sana”.

We have been trying to arrange for two more desks and chairs for the office so that some of us do not need to sit on the floor to do their work. Somehow we still did not manage to address this issue to the right person. The answer we now get is “Pole Sana”.

We asked for transcribers and translators to type the interviews from tape to word on the computer. An important criterion to get the job is to be fast in typing. We have 50 interviews, 6 working days a week from 8-18hrs, 5 people working at the same time, 1-2 months to do the work. We thought this is possible. But people coming for the work, very confident that they have speed in typing, finished in total 2 interviews after 1 week. It seems the definition of speed in typing is different or the typing job also knows “African time”….. “Pole Sana”

We approached a school for secretarial work to identify some people to work for us, we returned after 3 days… “Pole Sana” it was not possible to find people.

The office we are using appears to have had an electrician that has put in many plugs but a power system unable to cope with the demand. Therefore we have had power failures, losing computer data… “Pole Sana”

The office manager seems to be the very happy complaining about anything that you can think of complaining about, instead of giving people a full introduction and welcome to the office before use…. “Pole Sana”

Making sure our research is accepted within the community, we decided to involve local people. Their task is to ask people that come to the market to participate in an interview. It now seems they invite their friends and relatives to come and get some money. They know that they hereby fail to follow our guidelines. So they instruct the participants to say they are from different places and they do not know them. Thereby introducing a huge bias in our research… ”Pole Sana”

Working at KCMC for 4 months I still did not get any contract letter to sign, although I have spent may hours waiting in different offices, talking to different people. The answer you get is….”Pole Sana”, come back later.

We are paying for internet connection every month, but we have not had connection for again two weeks.. “Pole Sana”. The service is free of charge and they will come to fix it as soon as possible….maybe tomorrow, “Pole Sana”

We have not had hot water for almost two weeks. We report the matter to the housing officer daily, every day he says “Pole Sana” he will come tomorrow.

“Pole Sana” has now become the phrase that increases frustration. It mirrors an attitude or feeling of hopelessness or helplessness, not taking any responsibility and a general excuse for leaving the things they are. Furthermore the only culturally appropriate reply is “Asante”, meaning “Thank You” $#^&^*&&^&(@%!!!!!!!!
I realise I miss (or I need) a spirit of co-operation, honesty in doing what you say you will or can do and communication of keeping each other informed….. “Pole Sana”

Time for me to end with the other side of this dimension of frustration….
This life I am living gives me chance to experience, explore and learn from all these different events! The sun shines every day. The house and garden are spacious and quiet. I live with Jaap. The zucchini plants have their first zucchinis growing! Kilimanjaro is showing her face (peak) almost every day. Fresh wind from the mountains. Rest to practice Yoga and aerobics! We are going to Zanzibar in two weeks! I have a lot of inspiration and feel my freedom! We have fresh fruits and vegetables every day and beautiful sunsets. There is this permanent feeling of being on holiday!

Love Nienja

  • 16 Februari 2005 - 08:39


    nul reacties op je berichtje dat kan niet.
    daar moet ik even wat aan doen. wat een gedoe allemaal. maar je vakantiegevoel maakt een hoop goed.
    van ineke begreep ik dat akker jakker bij je langs is geweest. die gaat tegenwoordig ook als en speer.
    john marijke jasper en roelant.

  • 17 Februari 2005 - 13:45


    Lieve Nienja,
    dikke knuffel, Florike

  • 20 Februari 2005 - 17:14


    Hay Nien,
    Alles goed daar. Hard werken in combinatie met teleurstellingen. Je slaat je er wel doorheen. Veel vakantiegevoel toegewenst van mij.

  • 21 Februari 2005 - 18:14


    ha lieve nien,
    pfffff....diepe zucht, bij lezen van je Pole Sana -verhaal.Hoop dat je vakantiegevoelens je genoeg energie geven om te blijven relativeren en het naar je zin te hebben daar.
    Wanneer kom je terug?
    Ik ga zaterdag naar Utrecht verhuizen...!
    Dikke kus en veel liefs

  • 21 Februari 2005 - 21:31


    Een tijdje niet gekeken naar je website. Ben nu weer helemaal bij. Leuk je eigen groente kweken. In Sumve is het me alleen met peterselie en selderie gelukt. Kwam mede door gebrek aan water en onvruchtbare aarde meer een soort fijne kiezel. Wat een fustratie spreekt er uit je "pole sana".Alleen van het lezen al wordt ik doodmoe. Hopelijk krijg je van je trip naar Zanzibar weer genoeg energie. Het moet er erg mooi zijn. Succes met je groente tuin en prettige vakantie.

  • 26 Februari 2005 - 15:36


    hey nienja
    nu heb ik je weer gevonden (het was even zoeken naar het mailtje met het adres. leuk dat het allemaal zo goed gelukt is met de interview training, ben benieuwd hoe het verder verloopt, ik ga nu je laatste bericht lezen (ik geloof uit de titel op te maken dat niet alles op rolletjes gaat)
    veel liefs,

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Verslag uit: Tanzania, Moshi


Hiv/Aids preventie onderzoek vanuit PRIOR.

Recente Reisverslagen:

05 Oktober 2006

Walking over water

06 Juni 2006

Julius Mapambano

20 December 2005

Wow…goodbye Moshi

25 November 2005

Mount Kilimanjaro

23 Oktober 2005


Wat leuk dat je mijn reisdagboek leest! Meer over wie ik ben kun je lezen op mijn website: nienjabrouwer.nl Laat je ook een berichtje voor mij achter?

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